
These are listed in the order you can get them as you progress through the game. Some can only be found at a specific point, and the others can be found at any time so make sure you get them the first time!

1000 AD
1. Guardia Forest southeast 1 PowerTab
600 AD
2. Guardia Forest southeast 1 PowerTab
3. Guardia's Cathedral northwestern room 1 PowerTab
2300 AD
4. Bike Race, over 1500 points w/RaceLog (once) 1 PowerTab
End of Time
5. Beat Spekkio
a1) Amphibite: between levels 1 and 19
a2) Kilwala: between levels 20 and 29
a3) Goblin: between levels 30 and 39
a4) Omnicrone: between levels 40 and 49
b) Masa & Mune: between levels 50 and 98
c) Red Nu: at level 99
a) 1 MagicTab
b) 1 MagicTab
1 PowerTab
1 SpeedTab
c) 10 MagicTabs
10 PowerTabs
10 SpeedTabs
1000 AD
6. Medina Elder's House 1 SpeedTab
1 MagicTab
600 AD
7. The cook of Guardia Castle gives it 1 PowerTab
8. The Cathedral's Secret Naga-ette Bromide (northwest: in a drawer): give it to the old man in a Residence of Dorino 1 MagicTab
9. In Porre's Market, behind the girl 1 PowerTab
10. Denadoro Mts., speak to the Kilwala 4 times 1 MagicTab
11. Denadoro Mts., down the Save Point, after the ladder 1 SpeedTab
12. Magus' Castle, beat Flea 1 MagicTab
13. Magus' Castle, southeast of Ozzie's hole (you must fall) 1 MagicTab
65,000,000 BC
14. Tyrano Lair, charm Azala 1 MagicTab
15. Tyrano Lair, charm BlackTyrano 1 PowerTab
12000 BC
16. Enhasa's Water,Wind,Fire: beat the 6 Nus 1 SpeedTab
1 MagicTab
17. Southeast of Kajar's northeastern room 1 SpeedTab
18. Scratch the Nu in Zeal Castle, then in Kajar 1 MagicTab
19. Zeal Castle, charm Golem 1 MagicTab
2300 AD
20. Trann Dome's sealed door 1 MagicTab
21. Arris Dome's sealed door, in the underground 1 PowerTab
22. Keeper's Dome's sealed door, after getting the seats 1 MagicTab
12000 BC
23. Southeast of the Beast's Nest 1 PowerTab
24. Beast's Nest, charm Mud Imp 1 SpeedTab
25. Mount of Woe, down the last chain before Giga Gaia 1 MagicTab
26. Mount of Woe, charm Giga Gaia 1 SpeedTab
27. Ocean Palace, take the elevator down, then up 1 MagicTab
28. Ocean Palace, charm the two GolemTwins 2 MagicTabs
29. Behind the Last Village's Nu (wait until he gets out) 1 MagicTab
30. Northeast of Blackbird's airduct (must have all stuff) 1 MagicTab
2300 AD
31. Death Peak, to the right of the first tree 1 PowerTab
32. Geno Dome, behind the red laser barrier 1 MagicTab
33. Geno Dome, southeast of the long passage 1 PowerTab
34. Geno Dome, in the "switch" hidden passage 1 MagicTab
35. Geno Dome, instead of the upper Poyozo doll (later) 1 SpeedTab
600 AD
36. Left of the Sun Keep 1 PowerTab
37. Sunken Desert, charm Retinite's core 1 SpeedTab
38. Beat Retinite, return to the other room's center 1 PowerTab
39. Ozzie's Fort, in a secret room to the trap-box's southeast 1 MagicTab
1000 AD
40. West Cape, behind Toma's grave 1 SpeedTab
41. Hero's grave, to the left of Cyrus' tomb 1 MagicTab
42. Hero's grave, southwest of the between-floors (right stairs) 1 PowerTab
600 AD
43. Giant's Claw, behind the 2nd jaws 1 PowerTab
44. Giant's Claw, east of the room south of the 2nd jaws 1 PowerTab
45. Giant's Claw, behind the right, locked 4th jaws 1 PowerTab
Black Omen
46. Charm Panel (13 times) 13 SpeedTabs
47. Charm Tubster (infinite times: return in the room) Infinite PowerTabs
48. Charm Alien (4 times) 4 MagicTabs
49. Room with Flyclops, Tubster, Martello, Cybot, in a chest 1 SpeedTab
50. Parapet after the room the 49th tab is in, in a chest 1 SpeedTab
51. Room with Aliens and Blobs, in a chest 1 SpeedTab
52. Room with Panels and TerraMutant, in a chest 1 SpeedTab